Let’s start with a game:
Ever since a billion years ago, billions of unique stories have been lived, seen and known of. Today, here and now, we will present another unique one, just as the other ones, with all its challenges. Today, you are going to see me, and maybe, maybe even physically identify me for the first time… Will you recognize me? Perceptions might change since I sometimes can be unpredictable. Can you guess who am I?
Artists: Mireia Piñol, Nandi Vileika and Anna Aro (Mira Leonard/Regina Bauman)
Direction and Creation: Mireia Piñol
Assistant and Technical Director: Alberto Feliciate
Music and composition: Nandi Vileika
Stage rigger, rigg and effects design: Alberto Feliciate
Textile instalationl: Linnea Bågander
Costume Design: Linnea Bågander, Lauri Hallivuori and Mireia Piñol
Light design and technician: Angela Ximenstrom
Magic advice: John-Henry Larsson
Percussion arrangements: Kristina Aspeqvist
Producers: Jonas Robin, Alberto Feliciate and Mireia Piñol
Graphic Design: Foni Ardao
Trailer and Documentation: Karl Oskar Gustafsson
Marketing: house of producers
Constructions: Circonstruccions (self standing structure), Tom Richmond (piano stand), Stefan Karlström (some technical advice), Joel Jedström (wooden pyramids and tubes for textiles), John-Henry Larsson (inner child and other solutions) and Alberto Feliciate (tenical advice, tecnical solutions and rigg solutions).
Other collaborators in different residency periods: Ann-Maj Risgaard-Nielsen, Tom Richmond, Leon Eriksson, Cato Lein, Marie Lala Nilsson, Matt Horton, Guillem Albà and Oskar Mauricio.
Special Thanks: Site Sweden (Emelie y Anne Sofie), Burn Out Punks (Wille), Subtopia (Kiki, Helena, Björn, Jenny y Mille), Hellen Smitterberg and Alberto Feliciate.
Specially dedicated to my family and beloved ones that already left to another dimension <3
Supported by: Kulturrådet, Konstnärsnämnden International program and Musikverket.
In Residency at: CirkörLab, Jakta78, Site, Cirkusflätan/NycirkusÖst, Subtopia, Riskteatern, Vastmanlandsmusiken (Cameleonterna/Teatermaskinen) and Punkshangaren.
Min requirements:
•No rigg points needed
•Build up day before the performance (safety reasons)
•6mts height
•9x10mts (width x depth)

•For schools 12+
•All audience festivals and theaters (recommended 5+, suitable for all)